Me and my partners were assigned the task to create a game with emergent game play within 2 weeks while having a major focus on how mechanics interact with each other to achieve this effect.
Design Goal
Create a game that includes elements of emergent game play
Roles & Contributions
Constraints & Rules
Using your ability to manipulate the earth create walls, pillars and spikes to push or destroy your opponent.
2 week
Josh Schwarm
Creating a balance
When thinking up a balance we based our system on the simple rock paper scissors formula
Of the three abilities I worked on the Pillar and Spike ability. The pillar would take input from the player to get a start position, an angle and it would be able to launch anything above it to a desired direction. While the spike would emerge from the ground at a constant speed and would be deadly to those who touch the newly emerged or end spike.
Object Pooling
I saw online that instantiating and deleting many objects at once could cause some lag and then learned about a thing called object pooling. I wanted to test out object pooling within the prototype by storing the spike objects under the level instead of creating them every time and destorying them afterwards.
Having never worked on a 3D game before I treated this project as an experiment to test my skills on a 3D environment as well as test new concepts I recently learned at the time such as object pooling and using Enumerators.