Team: John Lee Cooper, Jess Hopkins, Justin San Juan
Role: Programmer & Game Designer
Team: John Lee Cooper, Jess Hopkins, Justin San Juan
Role: Programmer & Game Designer
I designed and created various systems for Bag Box such as:
Various single player enemy A.I.
Character customization
Splash Screens
Back end Settings
Arcade elements such as Score, High score and credits / lives
FMOD Integration
Serialized class save & load system
Implementation of art assets and animations from our artist
With my work term being only 3 months, we the summer intern team had to create our own sort of workflow within Oddbirds workflow to speed up our work efforts.
It really helped us out that we were all side by side so asking for opinions or for assets was fast and in person.
When I first started working on Bag Box, There was already a base game that we had to work off of. It was my first time not being on the project from the beginning but it was also easier in a way to not start from scratch.
We had an introduction about the game at it’s current state of development and we’re given a general direction of what they wanted at the end of our work terms.
From left to right: Me, John Lee Cooper, Jess Hopkins